Better spend visibility leads to superior Spend Intelligence. See how to make it easier than ever to discover new savings and value.
Drowning in data, but starving for insights?
Trying to get to good spend analysis requires getting your data in great shape – and then being able to easily navigate the data to enhance Procurement reporting, strategic planning, and decisions. Unfortunately, it’s a major challenge to get the data “procurement ready” to be actionable, making this an ideal business case for a proven, scalable technology solution.
SpendHQ is a leading best-in-class SaaS solution, used by 350+ global clients and named a spend analysis “Value Leader” by Spend Matters. We’ll show you:
- Navigating your enterprise and category-level spend data
- Easy ways to benchmark your spend and ESG/supplier diversity progress
- Discovering targets for spend compliance savings and risk reduction
- Visualizations of reporting and trends
- Our proven process for handling your data and getting 97% minimum classified
See our 30-minute demo on how our spend intelligence helps you scale, spend smarter, and save.